Artículos, links y opiniones personales de CRM, Business Intelligence, Colaboración, Adminitración de Proyectos
viernes, octubre 21, 2005
Computing Curricula 2005
Interesante escrito, el cual explica las áreas de dominio de cada una de las carreras de cómputo, gracias a la respuesta de Alexander J. Benavides que forma parte del grupo de Ingeniería de Software en Yahoo.
18 comentarios:
Good Morning JorgeBec, I find reading blog articles like Computing Curricula 2005 most rewarding at times. It enhances the experiences of life in many cases.
Being a physician, amongst other things I often have a soft spot for blogs related to website software and /or sites that are built around website software type items.
Once again, thank you JorgeBec, and I will look for your posts again in the future. :-)
Hi JorgeBec, I find it quite refreshing to occasionally find a article like yours with an familair topic such as Computing Curricula 2005. Its not was I was searching for but somehow ads to ones list of lifes experiences.
I have a soft spot for sites and blogs related to advertising resources and /or sites that have a central theme around advertising resources type items.
Once again, thank you JorgeBec, look forward see more posts from you in the future :-)
Good afternoon JorgeBec, I find it very refreshing to occasionally find a post or topic such as yours with a similar theme to my own interests. My wife liked it too.
I must admit I tend to have a soft spot for sites related to promotional tools and /or sites that have a central theme around promotional tools type items. Probably the webmaster in me.
Once again, thank you JorgeBec, and I hope you don't mind if I visit again sometime. :-)
Hello JorgeBec. I was looking for some information on educational software and came across your site. Not really what I was after but I found it very interesting. I was looking for educational software related information. Glad I found your site even though it was not exactly what I was after. Keep up the good posting - thanks
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on email software when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to email software. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Hi there JorgeBec. I am looking for recent information on software downloads and found your site. It makes an interesting read. I see that I found it when looking for software downloads related information and I'm glad I stopped by and had a read - thanks for taking the time to put the info together - great post = have a nice day.
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on downloadable software when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to downloadable software. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on software development tool when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to software development tool. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Hi JorgeBec. I was looking for some info on educational software and came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was not what I was after exactly, it certainly got my interest. I see now that I found your page when I was looking for educational software related information. Even though it was not a perfect match I'm glad I stopped by. Good post - have a good day.
This public service announcement is for JorgeBec and the public service is to enable you to get out of the rat race with just a little work - and an outstanding opportunity that comes along just once in a lifetime!
Just released, this brand new, no competition anywhere on the internet, Internet Business is designed to enable you to make small OR huge income changes in your life.
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on mlm software when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to mlm software. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on software development tool when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to software development tool. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
I have been doing hours of research on "help desk software" and it brought me to your blog on Computing Curricula 2005. Anyways, JorgeBec I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.
Hi JorgeBec, I was just blog surfing and found you! Wow, I really like this one. It’s such a pleasure to read your post …. Interesting! I was over at another site
Hi there JorgeBec. I am looking for recent information on email software and found your site. It makes an interesting read. I see that I found it when looking for email software related information and I'm glad I stopped by and had a read - thanks for taking the time to put the info together - great post = have a nice day.
Good Afternoon ##NAME##. Quite by accident I stumbled accross your post on ##TITLE##. Refreshing comments like yours seem to somehow add to ones list of lifes experiences.
I find that blogs related to ##LINK## that have a topic around making ebooks type items to be informative and sometimes entertaining.
Good Afternoon ##NAME##. Quite by accident I stumbled accross your post on ##TITLE##. Refreshing comments like yours seem to somehow add to ones list of lifes experiences.
I find that blogs related to ##LINK## that have a topic around publishing program type items to be informative and sometimes entertaining.
18 comentarios:
Good Morning JorgeBec, I find reading blog articles like Computing Curricula 2005 most rewarding at times. It enhances the experiences of life in many cases.
Being a physician, amongst other things I often have a soft spot for blogs related to website software and /or sites that are built around website software type items.
Once again, thank you JorgeBec, and I will look for your posts again in the future. :-)
Hi JorgeBec, I find it quite refreshing to occasionally find a article like yours with an familair topic such as Computing Curricula 2005. Its not was I was searching for but somehow ads to ones list of lifes experiences.
I have a soft spot for sites and blogs related to advertising resources and /or sites that have a central theme around advertising resources type items.
Once again, thank you JorgeBec, look forward see more posts from you in the future :-)
Good afternoon JorgeBec, I find it very refreshing to occasionally find a post or topic such as yours with a similar theme to my own interests. My wife liked it too.
I must admit I tend to have a soft spot for sites related to promotional tools and /or sites that have a central theme around promotional tools type items. Probably the webmaster in me.
Once again, thank you JorgeBec, and I hope you don't mind if I visit again sometime. :-)
Hello JorgeBec. I was looking for some information on educational software and came across your site. Not really what I was after but I found it very interesting. I was looking for educational software related information. Glad I found your site even though it was not exactly what I was after. Keep up the good posting - thanks
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on email software when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to email software. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Hi there JorgeBec. I am looking for recent information on software downloads and found your site. It makes an interesting read. I see that I found it when looking for software downloads related information and I'm glad I stopped by and had a read - thanks for taking the time to put the info together - great post = have a nice day.
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on downloadable software when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to downloadable software. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on software development tool when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to software development tool. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Hi JorgeBec. I was looking for some info on educational software and came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was not what I was after exactly, it certainly got my interest. I see now that I found your page when I was looking for educational software related information. Even though it was not a perfect match I'm glad I stopped by. Good post - have a good day.
Hi JorgeBec
This public service announcement is for JorgeBec and the public service is to enable you to get out of the rat race with just a little work - and an outstanding opportunity that comes along just once in a lifetime!
Just released, this brand new, no competition anywhere on the internet, Internet Business is designed to enable you to make small OR huge income changes in your life.
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Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on mlm software when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to mlm software. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Good Day JorgeBec.I am searching for information on software development tool when I came across your site. Although Computing Curricula 2005 was'nt exactly what I was looking for it got my attention and made an interesting read. I was really after information relating to software development tool. However I'm glad I stopped by - thanks for the read.
Hey this blog is not about helpdesk
I have been doing hours of research on "help desk software" and it brought me to your blog on Computing Curricula 2005. Anyways, JorgeBec I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.
Keep blogging away :-)
Hi JorgeBec, I was just blog surfing and found you! Wow, I really like this one.
It’s such a pleasure to read your post …. Interesting! I was over at another site
looking at spyware
and they didn't go into as much detail as you, but nonetheless interesting.
Hi there JorgeBec. I am looking for recent information on email software and found your site. It makes an interesting read. I see that I found it when looking for email software related information and I'm glad I stopped by and had a read - thanks for taking the time to put the info together - great post = have a nice day.
Good Afternoon ##NAME##. Quite by accident I stumbled accross your post on ##TITLE##. Refreshing comments like yours seem to somehow add to ones list of lifes experiences.
I find that blogs related to ##LINK## that have a topic around making ebooks type items to be informative and sometimes entertaining.
Once again, thank you ##NAME##.
Good Afternoon ##NAME##. Quite by accident I stumbled accross your post on ##TITLE##. Refreshing comments like yours seem to somehow add to ones list of lifes experiences.
I find that blogs related to ##LINK## that have a topic around publishing program type items to be informative and sometimes entertaining.
Once again, thank you ##NAME##.
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